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# IPFS File Manager
This repository contains JavaScript code to interact with IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). It provides functionalities to add and retrieve files from IPFS.
## Adding a File to IPFS
To add a file to IPFS, use the following code:
import { create } from 'ipfs';
import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
class IPFSFileManager {
// ...
const ipfsFileManager = new IPFSFileManager();
const filePath = './file.txt';
Make sure to replace `filePath` with the path of the file you want to add to IPFS.
## Retrieving a File from IPFS
To retrieve a file from IPFS, use the following code:
import { create } from 'ipfs';
import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { fileTypeFromBuffer } from 'file-type';
class IPFSFileManager {
// ...
const ipfsFileManager = new IPFSFileManager();
const cid = 'QmQgGxzWnzjCfouxRiozBiEG3wcsuJGWjtHjv3wurVbJ9s'; // Replace with the CID of the file you want to retrieve
const filepath = './retrievedFile'; // Specify the file path without the extension
ipfsFileManager.retrieveFileFromIPFS(cid, filepath);
Make sure to replace `cid` with the CID of the file you want to retrieve from IPFS.
## Notes
- Make sure you have Node.js installed in your development environment.
- Install the necessary dependencies before running the code. You can use npm or yarn to install the dependencies specified in the `package.json` file.
Feel free to explore and modify the code according to your needs.