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strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\nclass TreeNode {\n constructor(key, value, color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n this._left = undefined;\n this._right = undefined;\n this._parent = undefined;\n this._key = key;\n this._value = value;\n this._color = color;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the pre node.\n * @returns TreeNode about the pre node.\n */\n _pre() {\n let preNode = this;\n const isRootOrHeader = preNode._parent._parent === preNode;\n if (isRootOrHeader && preNode._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n preNode = preNode._right;\n } else if (preNode._left) {\n preNode = preNode._left;\n while (preNode._right) {\n preNode = preNode._right;\n }\n } else {\n // Must be root and left is null\n if (isRootOrHeader) {\n return preNode._parent;\n }\n let pre = preNode._parent;\n while (pre._left === preNode) {\n preNode = pre;\n pre = preNode._parent;\n }\n preNode = pre;\n }\n return preNode;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the next node.\n * @returns TreeNode about the next node.\n */\n _next() {\n let nextNode = this;\n if (nextNode._right) {\n nextNode = nextNode._right;\n while (nextNode._left) {\n nextNode = nextNode._left;\n }\n return nextNode;\n } else {\n let pre = nextNode._parent;\n while (pre._right === nextNode) {\n nextNode = pre;\n pre = nextNode._parent;\n }\n if (nextNode._right !== pre) {\n return pre;\n } else return nextNode;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @description Rotate left.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateLeft() {\n const PP = this._parent;\n const V = this._right;\n const R = V._left;\n if (PP._parent === this) PP._parent = V;else if (PP._left === this) PP._left = V;else PP._right = V;\n V._parent = PP;\n V._left = this;\n this._parent = V;\n this._right = R;\n if (R) R._parent = this;\n return V;\n }\n /**\n * @description Rotate right.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateRight() {\n const PP = this._parent;\n const F = this._left;\n const K = F._right;\n if (PP._parent === this) PP._parent = F;else if (PP._left === this) PP._left = F;else PP._right = F;\n F._parent = PP;\n F._right = this;\n this._parent = F;\n this._left = K;\n if (K) K._parent = this;\n return F;\n }\n}\nclass TreeNodeEnableIndex extends TreeNode {\n constructor() {\n super(...arguments);\n this._subTreeSize = 1;\n }\n /**\n * @description Rotate left and do recount.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateLeft() {\n const parent = super._rotateLeft();\n this._recount();\n parent._recount();\n return parent;\n }\n /**\n * @description Rotate right and do recount.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateRight() {\n const parent = super._rotateRight();\n this._recount();\n parent._recount();\n return parent;\n }\n _recount() {\n this._subTreeSize = 1;\n if (this._left) {\n this._subTreeSize += this._left._subTreeSize;\n }\n if (this._right) {\n this._subTreeSize += this._right._subTreeSize;\n }\n }\n}\n\nclass ContainerIterator {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(iteratorType = 0 /* IteratorType.NORMAL */) {\n this.iteratorType = iteratorType;\n }\n /**\n * @param iter - The other iterator you want to compare.\n * @returns Whether this equals to obj.\n * @example\n * container.find(1).equals(container.end());\n */\n equals(iter) {\n return this._node === iter._node;\n }\n}\nclass Base {\n constructor() {\n /**\n * @description Container's size.\n * @internal\n */\n this._length = 0;\n }\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.length); // 2\n */\n get length() {\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.size()); // 2\n */\n size() {\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @returns Whether the container is empty.\n * @example\n * container.clear();\n * console.log(container.empty()); // true\n */\n empty() {\n return this._length === 0;\n }\n}\nclass Container extends Base {}\n\n/**\n * @description Throw an iterator access error.\n * @internal\n */\nfunction throwIteratorAccessError() {\n throw new RangeError('Iterator access denied!');\n}\n\nclass TreeContainer extends Container {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(cmp = function (x, y) {\n if (x < y) return -1;\n if (x > y) return 1;\n return 0;\n }, enableIndex = false) {\n super();\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this._root = undefined;\n this._cmp = cmp;\n this.enableIndex = enableIndex;\n this._TreeNodeClass = enableIndex ? TreeNodeEnableIndex : TreeNode;\n this._header = new this._TreeNodeClass();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _lowerBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _upperBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult <= 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _reverseLowerBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _reverseUpperBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _eraseNodeSelfBalance(curNode) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent;\n if (parentNode === this._header) return;\n if (curNode._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n curNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n return;\n }\n if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n const brother = parentNode._right;\n if (brother._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n parentNode._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else {\n if (brother._right && brother._right._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._right._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else parentNode._rotateLeft();\n return;\n } else if (brother._left && brother._left._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n brother._left._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._rotateRight();\n } else {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n } else {\n const brother = parentNode._left;\n if (brother._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n parentNode._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else {\n if (brother._left && brother._left._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._left._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else parentNode._rotateRight();\n return;\n } else if (brother._right && brother._right._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n brother._right._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._rotateLeft();\n } else {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _eraseNode(curNode) {\n if (this._length === 1) {\n this.clear();\n return;\n }\n let swapNode = curNode;\n while (swapNode._left || swapNode._right) {\n if (swapNode._right) {\n swapNode = swapNode._right;\n while (swapNode._left) swapNode = swapNode._left;\n } else {\n swapNode = swapNode._left;\n }\n const key = curNode._key;\n curNode._key = swapNode._key;\n swapNode._key = key;\n const value = curNode._value;\n curNode._value = swapNode._value;\n swapNode._value = value;\n curNode = swapNode;\n }\n if (this._header._left === swapNode) {\n this._header._left = swapNode._parent;\n } else if (this._header._right === swapNode) {\n this._header._right = swapNode._parent;\n }\n this._eraseNodeSelfBalance(swapNode);\n let _parent = swapNode._parent;\n if (swapNode === _parent._left) {\n _parent._left = undefined;\n } else _parent._right = undefined;\n this._length -= 1;\n this._root._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (this.enableIndex) {\n while (_parent !== this._header) {\n _parent._subTreeSize -= 1;\n _parent = _parent._parent;\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _inOrderTraversal(param) {\n const pos = typeof param === 'number' ? param : undefined;\n const callback = typeof param === 'function' ? param : undefined;\n const nodeList = typeof param === 'undefined' ? [] : undefined;\n let index = 0;\n let curNode = this._root;\n const stack = [];\n while (stack.length || curNode) {\n if (curNode) {\n stack.push(curNode);\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else {\n curNode = stack.pop();\n if (index === pos) return curNode;\n nodeList && nodeList.push(curNode);\n callback && callback(curNode, index, this);\n index += 1;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n }\n return nodeList;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent;\n if (parentNode._color === 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */) return;\n const grandParent = parentNode._parent;\n if (parentNode === grandParent._left) {\n const uncle = grandParent._right;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root) return;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n } else if (curNode === parentNode._right) {\n curNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (curNode._left) {\n curNode._left._parent = parentNode;\n }\n if (curNode._right) {\n curNode._right._parent = grandParent;\n }\n parentNode._right = curNode._left;\n grandParent._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = parentNode;\n curNode._right = grandParent;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n } else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n } else GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n } else {\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateRight();\n } else grandParent._rotateRight();\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n return;\n }\n } else {\n const uncle = grandParent._left;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root) return;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n } else if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n curNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (curNode._left) {\n curNode._left._parent = grandParent;\n }\n if (curNode._right) {\n curNode._right._parent = parentNode;\n }\n grandParent._right = curNode._left;\n parentNode._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = grandParent;\n curNode._right = parentNode;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n } else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n } else GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n } else {\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateLeft();\n } else grandParent._rotateLeft();\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n return;\n }\n }\n if (this.enableIndex) {\n parentNode._recount();\n grandParent._recount();\n curNode._recount();\n }\n return;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _set(key, value, hint) {\n if (this._root === undefined) {\n this._length += 1;\n this._root = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value, 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */);\n this._root._parent = this._header;\n this._header._parent = this._header._left = this._header._right = this._root;\n return this._length;\n }\n let curNode;\n const minNode = this._header._left;\n const compareToMin = this._cmp(minNode._key, key);\n if (compareToMin === 0) {\n minNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else if (compareToMin > 0) {\n minNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n minNode._left._parent = minNode;\n curNode = minNode._left;\n this._header._left = curNode;\n } else {\n const maxNode = this._header._right;\n const compareToMax = this._cmp(maxNode._key, key);\n if (compareToMax === 0) {\n maxNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else if (compareToMax < 0) {\n maxNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n maxNode._right._parent = maxNode;\n curNode = maxNode._right;\n this._header._right = curNode;\n } else {\n if (hint !== undefined) {\n const iterNode = hint._node;\n if (iterNode !== this._header) {\n const iterCmpRes = this._cmp(iterNode._key, key);\n if (iterCmpRes === 0) {\n iterNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else /* istanbul ignore else */if (iterCmpRes > 0) {\n const preNode = iterNode._pre();\n const preCmpRes = this._cmp(preNode._key, key);\n if (preCmpRes === 0) {\n preNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else if (preCmpRes < 0) {\n curNode = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n if (preNode._right === undefined) {\n preNode._right = curNode;\n curNode._parent = preNode;\n } else {\n iterNode._left = curNode;\n curNode._parent = iterNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (curNode === undefined) {\n curNode = this._root;\n while (true) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult > 0) {\n if (curNode._left === undefined) {\n curNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._left._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else if (cmpResult < 0) {\n if (curNode._right === undefined) {\n curNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._right._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n curNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (this.enableIndex) {\n let parent = curNode._parent;\n while (parent !== this._header) {\n parent._subTreeSize += 1;\n parent = parent._parent;\n }\n }\n this._insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode);\n this._length += 1;\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _getTreeNodeByKey(curNode, key) {\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return curNode || this._header;\n }\n clear() {\n this._length = 0;\n this._root = undefined;\n this._header._parent = undefined;\n this._header._left = this._header._right = undefined;\n }\n /**\n * @description Update node's key by iterator.\n * @param iter - The iterator you want to change.\n * @param key - The key you want to update.\n * @returns Whether the modification is successful.\n * @example\n * const st = new orderedSet([1, 2, 5]);\n * const iter = st.find(2);\n * st.updateKeyByIterator(iter, 3); // then st will become [1, 3, 5]\n */\n updateKeyByIterator(iter, key) {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n if (this._length === 1) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n const nextKey = node._next()._key;\n if (node === this._header._left) {\n if (this._cmp(nextKey, key) > 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n const preKey = node._pre()._key;\n if (node === this._header._right) {\n if (this._cmp(preKey, key) < 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (this._cmp(preKey, key) >= 0 || this._cmp(nextKey, key) <= 0) return false;\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByPos(pos) {\n if (pos < 0 || pos > this._length - 1) {\n throw new RangeError();\n }\n const node = this._inOrderTraversal(pos);\n this._eraseNode(node);\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @description Remove the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The key you want to remove.\n * @returns Whether erase successfully.\n */\n eraseElementByKey(key) {\n if (this._length === 0) return false;\n const curNode = this._getTreeNodeByKey(this._root, key);\n if (curNode === this._header) return false;\n this._eraseNode(curNode);\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByIterator(iter) {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const hasNoRight = node._right === undefined;\n const isNormal = iter.iteratorType === 0 /* IteratorType.NORMAL */;\n // For the normal iterator, the `next` node will be swapped to `this` node when has right.\n if (isNormal) {\n // So we should move it to next when it's right is null.\n if (hasNoRight);\n } else {\n // For the reverse iterator, only when it doesn't have right and has left the `next` node will be swapped.\n // So when it has right, or it is a leaf node we should move it to `next`.\n if (!hasNoRight || node._left === undefined);\n }\n this._eraseNode(node);\n return iter;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the height of the tree.\n * @returns Number about the height of the RB-tree.\n */\n getHeight() {\n if (this._length === 0) return 0;\n function traversal(curNode) {\n if (!curNode) return 0;\n return Math.max(traversal(curNode._left), traversal(curNode._right)) + 1;\n }\n return traversal(this._root);\n }\n}\n\nclass TreeIterator extends ContainerIterator {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(node, header, iteratorType) {\n super(iteratorType);\n this._node = node;\n this._header = header;\n if (this.iteratorType === 0 /* IteratorType.NORMAL */) {\n this.pre = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header._left) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._pre();\n return this;\n };\n = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._next();\n return this;\n };\n } else {\n this.pre = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header._right) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._next();\n return this;\n };\n = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._pre();\n return this;\n };\n }\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the sequential index of the iterator in the tree container.<br/>\n * <strong>Note:</strong>\n * This function only takes effect when the specified tree container `enableIndex = true`.\n * @returns The index subscript of the node in the tree.\n * @example\n * const st = new OrderedSet([1, 2, 3], true);\n * console.log(st.begin().next().index); // 1\n */\n get index() {\n let _node = this._node;\n const root = this._header._parent;\n if (_node === this._header) {\n if (root) {\n return root._subTreeSize - 1;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n let index = 0;\n if (_node._left) {\n index += _node._left._subTreeSize;\n }\n while (_node !== root) {\n const _parent = _node._parent;\n if (_node === _parent._right) {\n index += 1;\n if (_parent._left) {\n index += _parent._left._subTreeSize;\n }\n }\n _node = _parent;\n }\n return index;\n }\n isAccessible() {\n return this._node !== this._header;\n }\n}\n\nclass OrderedMapIterator extends TreeIterator {\n constructor(node, header, container, iteratorType) {\n super(node, header, iteratorType);\n this.container = container;\n }\n get pointer() {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const self = this;\n return new Proxy([], {\n get(target, prop) {\n if (prop === '0') return self._node._key;else if (prop === '1') return self._node._value;\n target[0] = self._node._key;\n target[1] = self._node._value;\n return target[prop];\n },\n set(_, prop, newValue) {\n if (prop !== '1') {\n throw new TypeError('prop must be 1');\n }\n self._node._value = newValue;\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n copy() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator(this._node, this._header, this.container, this.iteratorType);\n }\n}\nclass OrderedMap extends TreeContainer {\n /**\n * @param container - The initialization container.\n * @param cmp - The compare function.\n * @param enableIndex - Whether to enable iterator indexing function.\n * @example\n * new OrderedMap();\n * new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]]);\n * new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]], (x, y) => x - y);\n * new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]], (x, y) => x - y, true);\n */\n constructor(container = [], cmp, enableIndex) {\n super(cmp, enableIndex);\n const self = this;\n container.forEach(function (el) {\n self.setElement(el[0], el[1]);\n });\n }\n begin() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator(this._header._left || this._header, this._header, this);\n }\n end() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator(this._header, this._header, this);\n }\n rBegin() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator(this._header._right || this._header, this._header, this, 1 /* IteratorType.REVERSE */);\n }\n\n rEnd() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator(this._header, this._header, this, 1 /* IteratorType.REVERSE */);\n }\n\n front() {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n const minNode = this._header._left;\n return [minNode._key, minNode._value];\n }\n back() {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n const maxNode = this._header._right;\n return [maxNode._key, maxNode._value];\n }\n lowerBound(key) {\n const resNode = this._lowerBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n upperBound(key) {\n const resNode = this._upperBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n reverseLowerBound(key) {\n const resNode = this._reverseLowerBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n reverseUpperBound(key) {\n const resNode = this._reverseUpperBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n forEach(callback) {\n this._inOrderTraversal(function (node, index, map) {\n callback([node._key, node._value], index, map);\n });\n }\n /**\n * @description Insert a key-value pair or set value by the given key.\n * @param key - The key want to insert.\n * @param value - The value want to set.\n * @param hint - You can give an iterator hint to improve insertion efficiency.\n * @return The size of container after setting.\n * @example\n * const mp = new OrderedMap([[2, 0], [4, 0], [5, 0]]);\n * const iter = mp.begin();\n * mp.setElement(1, 0);\n * mp.setElement(3, 0, iter); // give a hint will be faster.\n */\n setElement(key, value, hint) {\n return this._set(key, value, hint);\n }\n getElementByPos(pos) {\n if (pos < 0 || pos > this._length - 1) {\n throw new RangeError();\n }\n const node = this._inOrderTraversal(pos);\n return [node._key, node._value];\n }\n find(key) {\n const curNode = this._getTreeNodeByKey(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator(curNode, this._header, this);\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the value of the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The specified key you want to get.\n * @example\n * const val = container.getElementByKey(1);\n */\n getElementByKey(key) {\n const curNode = this._getTreeNodeByKey(this._root, key);\n return curNode._value;\n }\n union(other) {\n const self = this;\n other.forEach(function (el) {\n self.setElement(el[0], el[1]);\n });\n return this._length;\n }\n *[Symbol.iterator]() {\n const length = this._length;\n const nodeList = this._inOrderTraversal();\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n const node = nodeList[i];\n yield [node._key, node._value];\n }\n }\n}\n\nexports.OrderedMap = OrderedMap;\n//#\n","export const enum TreeNodeColor {\n RED = 1,\n BLACK = 0\n}\n\nexport class TreeNode<K, V> {\n _color: TreeNodeColor;\n _key: K | undefined;\n _value: V | undefined;\n _left: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined = undefined;\n _right: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined = undefined;\n _parent: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined = undefined;\n constructor(\n key?: K,\n value?: V,\n color: TreeNodeColor = TreeNodeColor.RED\n ) {\n this._key = key;\n this._value = value;\n this._color = color;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the pre node.\n * @returns TreeNode about the pre node.\n */\n _pre() {\n let preNode: TreeNode<K, V> = this;\n const isRootOrHeader = preNode._parent!._parent === preNode;\n if (isRootOrHeader && preNode._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n preNode = preNode._right!;\n } else if (preNode._left) {\n preNode = preNode._left;\n while (preNode._right) {\n preNode = preNode._right;\n }\n } else {\n // Must be root and left is null\n if (isRootOrHeader) {\n return preNode._parent!;\n }\n let pre = preNode._parent!;\n while (pre._left === preNode) {\n preNode = pre;\n pre = preNode._parent!;\n }\n preNode = pre;\n }\n return preNode;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the next node.\n * @returns TreeNode about the next node.\n */\n _next() {\n let nextNode: TreeNode<K, V> = this;\n if (nextNode._right) {\n nextNode = nextNode._right;\n while (nextNode._left) {\n nextNode = nextNode._left;\n }\n return nextNode;\n } else {\n let pre = nextNode._parent!;\n while (pre._right === nextNode) {\n nextNode = pre;\n pre = nextNode._parent!;\n }\n if (nextNode._right !== pre) {\n return pre;\n } else return nextNode;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @description Rotate left.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateLeft() {\n const PP = this._parent!;\n const V = this._right!;\n const R = V._left;\n\n if (PP._parent === this) PP._parent = V;\n else if (PP._left === this) PP._left = V;\n else PP._right = V;\n\n V._parent = PP;\n V._left = this;\n\n this._parent = V;\n this._right = R;\n\n if (R) R._parent = this;\n\n return V;\n }\n /**\n * @description Rotate right.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateRight() {\n const PP = this._parent!;\n const F = this._left!;\n const K = F._right;\n\n if (PP._parent === this) PP._parent = F;\n else if (PP._left === this) PP._left = F;\n else PP._right = F;\n\n F._parent = PP;\n F._right = this;\n\n this._parent = F;\n this._left = K;\n\n if (K) K._parent = this;\n\n return F;\n }\n}\n\nexport class TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V> extends TreeNode<K, V> {\n _subTreeSize = 1;\n /**\n * @description Rotate left and do recount.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateLeft() {\n const parent = super._rotateLeft() as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n this._recount();\n parent._recount();\n return parent;\n }\n /**\n * @description Rotate right and do recount.\n * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.\n */\n _rotateRight() {\n const parent = super._rotateRight() as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n this._recount();\n parent._recount();\n return parent;\n }\n _recount() {\n this._subTreeSize = 1;\n if (this._left) {\n this._subTreeSize += (this._left as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>)._subTreeSize;\n }\n if (this._right) {\n this._subTreeSize += (this._right as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>)._subTreeSize;\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @description The iterator type including `NORMAL` and `REVERSE`.\n */\nexport const enum IteratorType {\n NORMAL = 0,\n REVERSE = 1\n}\n\nexport abstract class ContainerIterator<T> {\n /**\n * @description The container pointed to by the iterator.\n */\n abstract readonly container: Container<T>;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n abstract _node: unknown;\n /**\n * @description Iterator's type.\n * @example\n * console.log(container.end().iteratorType === IteratorType.NORMAL); // true\n */\n readonly iteratorType: IteratorType;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected constructor(iteratorType = IteratorType.NORMAL) {\n this.iteratorType = iteratorType;\n }\n /**\n * @param iter - The other iterator you want to compare.\n * @returns Whether this equals to obj.\n * @example\n * container.find(1).equals(container.end());\n */\n equals(iter: ContainerIterator<T>) {\n return this._node === iter._node;\n }\n /**\n * @description Pointers to element.\n * @returns The value of the pointer's element.\n * @example\n * const val = container.begin().pointer;\n */\n abstract get pointer(): T;\n /**\n * @description Set pointer's value (some containers are unavailable).\n * @param newValue - The new value you want to set.\n * @example\n * (<LinkList<number>>container).begin().pointer = 1;\n */\n abstract set pointer(newValue: T);\n /**\n * @description Move `this` iterator to pre.\n * @returns The iterator's self.\n * @example\n * const iter = container.find(1); // container = [0, 1]\n * const pre = iter.pre();\n * console.log(pre === iter); // true\n * console.log(pre.equals(iter)); // true\n * console.log(pre.pointer, iter.pointer); // 0, 0\n */\n abstract pre(): this;\n /**\n * @description Move `this` iterator to next.\n * @returns The iterator's self.\n * @example\n * const iter = container.find(1); // container = [1, 2]\n * const next =;\n * console.log(next === iter); // true\n * console.log(next.equals(iter)); // true\n * console.log(next.pointer, iter.pointer); // 2, 2\n */\n abstract next(): this;\n /**\n * @description Get a copy of itself.\n * @returns The copy of self.\n * @example\n * const iter = container.find(1); // container = [1, 2]\n * const next = iter.copy().next();\n * console.log(next === iter); // false\n * console.log(next.equals(iter)); // false\n * console.log(next.pointer, iter.pointer); // 2, 1\n */\n abstract copy(): ContainerIterator<T>;\n abstract isAccessible(): boolean;\n}\n\nexport abstract class Base {\n /**\n * @description Container's size.\n * @internal\n */\n protected _length = 0;\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.length); // 2\n */\n get length() {\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.size()); // 2\n */\n size() {\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @returns Whether the container is empty.\n * @example\n * container.clear();\n * console.log(container.empty()); // true\n */\n empty() {\n return this._length === 0;\n }\n /**\n * @description Clear the container.\n * @example\n * container.clear();\n * console.log(container.empty()); // true\n */\n abstract clear(): void;\n}\n\nexport abstract class Container<T> extends Base {\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the beginning element.\n * @example\n * const begin = container.begin();\n * const end = container.end();\n * for (const it = begin; !it.equals(end); {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract begin(): ContainerIterator<T>;\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the super end like c++.\n * @example\n * const begin = container.begin();\n * const end = container.end();\n * for (const it = begin; !it.equals(end); {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract end(): ContainerIterator<T>;\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the end element.\n * @example\n * const rBegin = container.rBegin();\n * const rEnd = container.rEnd();\n * for (const it = rBegin; !it.equals(rEnd); {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract rBegin(): ContainerIterator<T>;\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the super begin like c++.\n * @example\n * const rBegin = container.rBegin();\n * const rEnd = container.rEnd();\n * for (const it = rBegin; !it.equals(rEnd); {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract rEnd(): ContainerIterator<T>;\n /**\n * @returns The first element of the container.\n */\n abstract front(): T | undefined;\n /**\n * @returns The last element of the container.\n */\n abstract back(): T | undefined;\n /**\n * @param element - The element you want to find.\n * @returns An iterator pointing to the element if found, or super end if not found.\n * @example\n * container.find(1).equals(container.end());\n */\n abstract find(element: T): ContainerIterator<T>;\n /**\n * @description Iterate over all elements in the container.\n * @param callback - Callback function like Array.forEach.\n * @example\n * container.forEach((element, index) => console.log(element, index));\n */\n abstract forEach(callback: (element: T, index: number, container: Container<T>) => void): void;\n /**\n * @description Gets the value of the element at the specified position.\n * @example\n * const val = container.getElementByPos(-1); // throw a RangeError\n */\n abstract getElementByPos(pos: number): T;\n /**\n * @description Removes the element at the specified position.\n * @param pos - The element's position you want to remove.\n * @returns The container length after erasing.\n * @example\n * container.eraseElementByPos(-1); // throw a RangeError\n */\n abstract eraseElementByPos(pos: number): number;\n /**\n * @description Removes element by iterator and move `iter` to next.\n * @param iter - The iterator you want to erase.\n * @returns The next iterator.\n * @example\n * container.eraseElementByIterator(container.begin());\n * container.eraseElementByIterator(container.end()); // throw a RangeError\n */\n abstract eraseElementByIterator(\n iter: ContainerIterator<T>\n ): ContainerIterator<T>;\n /**\n * @description Using for `for...of` syntax like Array.\n * @example\n * for (const element of container) {\n * console.log(element);\n * }\n */\n abstract [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<T, void>;\n}\n\n/**\n * @description The initial data type passed in when initializing the container.\n */\nexport type initContainer<T> = {\n size?: number | (() => number);\n length?: number;\n forEach: (callback: (el: T) => void) => void;\n}\n","/**\n * @description Throw an iterator access error.\n * @internal\n */\nexport function throwIteratorAccessError() {\n throw new RangeError('Iterator access denied!');\n}\n","import type TreeIterator from './TreeIterator';\nimport { TreeNode, TreeNodeColor, TreeNodeEnableIndex } from './TreeNode';\nimport { Container, IteratorType } from '@/container/ContainerBase';\nimport $checkWithinAccessParams from '@/utils/checkParams.macro';\nimport { throwIteratorAccessError } from '@/utils/throwError';\n\nabstract class TreeContainer<K, V> extends Container<K | [K, V]> {\n enableIndex: boolean;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _header: TreeNode<K, V>;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _root: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined = undefined;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected readonly _cmp: (x: K, y: K) => number;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected readonly _TreeNodeClass: typeof TreeNode | typeof TreeNodeEnableIndex;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected constructor(\n cmp: (x: K, y: K) => number =\n function (x: K, y: K) {\n if (x < y) return -1;\n if (x > y) return 1;\n return 0;\n },\n enableIndex = false\n ) {\n super();\n this._cmp = cmp;\n this.enableIndex = enableIndex;\n this._TreeNodeClass = enableIndex ? TreeNodeEnableIndex : TreeNode;\n this._header = new this._TreeNodeClass();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _lowerBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _upperBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult <= 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _reverseLowerBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _reverseUpperBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _eraseNodeSelfBalance(curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent!;\n if (parentNode === this._header) return;\n if (curNode._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n curNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n return;\n }\n if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n const brother = parentNode._right!;\n if (brother._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else {\n if (brother._right && brother._right._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._right._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else parentNode._rotateLeft();\n return;\n } else if (brother._left && brother._left._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n brother._left._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._rotateRight();\n } else {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n } else {\n const brother = parentNode._left!;\n if (brother._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else {\n if (brother._left && brother._left._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._left._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else parentNode._rotateRight();\n return;\n } else if (brother._right && brother._right._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n brother._right._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._rotateLeft();\n } else {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _eraseNode(curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) {\n if (this._length === 1) {\n this.clear();\n return;\n }\n let swapNode = curNode;\n while (swapNode._left || swapNode._right) {\n if (swapNode._right) {\n swapNode = swapNode._right;\n while (swapNode._left) swapNode = swapNode._left;\n } else {\n swapNode = swapNode._left!;\n }\n const key = curNode._key;\n curNode._key = swapNode._key;\n swapNode._key = key;\n const value = curNode._value;\n curNode._value = swapNode._value;\n swapNode._value = value;\n curNode = swapNode;\n }\n if (this._header._left === swapNode) {\n this._header._left = swapNode._parent;\n } else if (this._header._right === swapNode) {\n this._header._right = swapNode._parent;\n }\n this._eraseNodeSelfBalance(swapNode);\n let _parent = swapNode._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n if (swapNode === _parent._left) {\n _parent._left = undefined;\n } else _parent._right = undefined;\n this._length -= 1;\n this._root!._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (this.enableIndex) {\n while (_parent !== this._header) {\n _parent._subTreeSize -= 1;\n _parent = _parent._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n }\n }\n }\n protected _inOrderTraversal(): TreeNode<K, V>[];\n protected _inOrderTraversal(pos: number): TreeNode<K, V>;\n protected _inOrderTraversal(\n callback: (node: TreeNode<K, V>, index: number, map: this) => void\n ): TreeNode<K, V>;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _inOrderTraversal(\n param?: number | ((node: TreeNode<K, V>, index: number, map: this) => void)\n ) {\n const pos = typeof param === 'number' ? param : undefined;\n const callback = typeof param === 'function' ? param : undefined;\n const nodeList = typeof param === 'undefined' ? <TreeNode<K, V>[]>[] : undefined;\n let index = 0;\n let curNode = this._root;\n const stack: TreeNode<K, V>[] = [];\n while (stack.length || curNode) {\n if (curNode) {\n stack.push(curNode);\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else {\n curNode = stack.pop()!;\n if (index === pos) return curNode;\n nodeList && nodeList.push(curNode);\n callback && callback(curNode, index, this);\n index += 1;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n }\n return nodeList;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent!;\n if (parentNode._color === TreeNodeColor.BLACK) return;\n const grandParent = parentNode._parent!;\n if (parentNode === grandParent._left) {\n const uncle = grandParent._right;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) return;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n } else if (curNode === parentNode._right) {\n curNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (curNode._left) {\n curNode._left._parent = parentNode;\n }\n if (curNode._right) {\n curNode._right._parent = grandParent;\n }\n parentNode._right = curNode._left;\n grandParent._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = parentNode;\n curNode._right = grandParent;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n } else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent!;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n } else GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n } else {\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateRight();\n } else grandParent._rotateRight();\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n return;\n }\n } else {\n const uncle = grandParent._left;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) return;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n } else if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n curNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (curNode._left) {\n curNode._left._parent = grandParent;\n }\n if (curNode._right) {\n curNode._right._parent = parentNode;\n }\n grandParent._right = curNode._left;\n parentNode._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = grandParent;\n curNode._right = parentNode;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n } else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent!;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n } else GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n } else {\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateLeft();\n } else grandParent._rotateLeft();\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n return;\n }\n }\n if (this.enableIndex) {\n (<TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>>parentNode)._recount();\n (<TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>>grandParent)._recount();\n (<TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>>curNode)._recount();\n }\n return;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _set(key: K, value?: V, hint?: TreeIterator<K, V>) {\n if (this._root === undefined) {\n this._length += 1;\n this._root = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value, TreeNodeColor.BLACK);\n this._root._parent = this._header;\n this._header._parent = this._header._left = this._header._right = this._root;\n return this._length;\n }\n let curNode;\n const minNode = this._header._left!;\n const compareToMin = this._cmp(minNode._key!, key);\n if (compareToMin === 0) {\n minNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else if (compareToMin > 0) {\n minNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n minNode._left._parent = minNode;\n curNode = minNode._left;\n this._header._left = curNode;\n } else {\n const maxNode = this._header._right!;\n const compareToMax = this._cmp(maxNode._key!, key);\n if (compareToMax === 0) {\n maxNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else if (compareToMax < 0) {\n maxNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n maxNode._right._parent = maxNode;\n curNode = maxNode._right;\n this._header._right = curNode;\n } else {\n if (hint !== undefined) {\n const iterNode = hint._node;\n if (iterNode !== this._header) {\n const iterCmpRes = this._cmp(iterNode._key!, key);\n if (iterCmpRes === 0) {\n iterNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else /* istanbul ignore else */ if (iterCmpRes > 0) {\n const preNode = iterNode._pre();\n const preCmpRes = this._cmp(preNode._key!, key);\n if (preCmpRes === 0) {\n preNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n } else if (preCmpRes < 0) {\n curNode = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n if (preNode._right === undefined) {\n preNode._right = curNode;\n curNode._parent = preNode;\n } else {\n iterNode._left = curNode;\n curNode._parent = iterNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (curNode === undefined) {\n curNode = this._root;\n while (true) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult > 0) {\n if (curNode._left === undefined) {\n curNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._left._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else if (cmpResult < 0) {\n if (curNode._right === undefined) {\n curNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._right._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n curNode._value = value;\n return this._length;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (this.enableIndex) {\n let parent = curNode._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n while (parent !== this._header) {\n parent._subTreeSize += 1;\n parent = parent._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n }\n }\n this._insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode);\n this._length += 1;\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _getTreeNodeByKey(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return curNode || this._header;\n }\n clear() {\n this._length = 0;\n this._root = undefined;\n this._header._parent = undefined;\n this._header._left = this._header._right = undefined;\n }\n /**\n * @description Update node's key by iterator.\n * @param iter - The iterator you want to change.\n * @param key - The key you want to update.\n * @returns Whether the modification is successful.\n * @example\n * const st = new orderedSet([1, 2, 5]);\n * const iter = st.find(2);\n * st.updateKeyByIterator(iter, 3); // then st will become [1, 3, 5]\n */\n updateKeyByIterator(iter: TreeIterator<K, V>, key: K): boolean {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n if (this._length === 1) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n const nextKey = node._next()._key!;\n if (node === this._header._left) {\n if (this._cmp(nextKey, key) > 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n const preKey = node._pre()._key!;\n if (node === this._header._right) {\n if (this._cmp(preKey, key) < 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (\n this._cmp(preKey, key) >= 0 ||\n this._cmp(nextKey, key) <= 0\n ) return false;\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByPos(pos: number) {\n $checkWithinAccessParams!(pos, 0, this._length - 1);\n const node = this._inOrderTraversal(pos);\n this._eraseNode(node);\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @description Remove the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The key you want to remove.\n * @returns Whether erase successfully.\n */\n eraseElementByKey(key: K) {\n if (this._length === 0) return false;\n const curNode = this._getTreeNodeByKey(this._root, key);\n if (curNode === this._header) return false;\n this._eraseNode(curNode);\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByIterator(iter: TreeIterator<K, V>) {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const hasNoRight = node._right === undefined;\n const isNormal = iter.iteratorType === IteratorType.NORMAL;\n // For the normal iterator, the `next` node will be swapped to `this` node when has right.\n if (isNormal) {\n // So we should move it to next when it's right is null.\n if (hasNoRight);\n } else {\n // For the reverse iterator, only when it doesn't have right and has left the `next` node will be swapped.\n // So when it has right, or it is a leaf node we should move it to `next`.\n if (!hasNoRight || node._left === undefined);\n }\n this._eraseNode(node);\n return iter;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the height of the tree.\n * @returns Number about the height of the RB-tree.\n */\n getHeight() {\n if (this._length === 0) return 0;\n function traversal(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined): number {\n if (!curNode) return 0;\n return Math.max(traversal(curNode._left), traversal(curNode._right)) + 1;\n }\n return traversal(this._root);\n }\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element less than the given key.\n */\n abstract reverseUpperBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n /**\n * @description Union the other tree to self.\n * @param other - The other tree container you want to merge.\n * @returns The size of the tree after union.\n */\n abstract union(other: TreeContainer<K, V>): number;\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element not greater than the given key.\n */\n abstract reverseLowerBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element not less than the given key.\n */\n abstract lowerBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element greater than the given key.\n */\n abstract upperBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n}\n\nexport default TreeContainer;\n","import { TreeNode } from './TreeNode';\nimport type { TreeNodeEnableIndex } from './TreeNode';\nimport { ContainerIterator, IteratorType } from '@/container/ContainerBase';\nimport TreeContainer from '@/container/TreeContainer/Base/index';\nimport { throwIteratorAccessError } from '@/utils/throwError';\n\nabstract class TreeIterator<K, V> extends ContainerIterator<K | [K, V]> {\n abstract readonly container: TreeContainer<K, V>;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _node: TreeNode<K, V>;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _header: TreeNode<K, V>;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected constructor(\n node: TreeNode<K, V>,\n header: TreeNode<K, V>,\n iteratorType?: IteratorType\n ) {\n super(iteratorType);\n this._node = node;\n this._header = header;\n if (this.iteratorType === IteratorType.NORMAL) {\n this.pre = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header._left) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._pre();\n return this;\n };\n\n = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._next();\n return this;\n };\n } else {\n this.pre = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header._right) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._next();\n return this;\n };\n\n = function () {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n this._node = this._node._pre();\n return this;\n };\n }\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the sequential index of the iterator in the tree container.<br/>\n * <strong>Note:</strong>\n * This function only takes effect when the specified tree container `enableIndex = true`.\n * @returns The index subscript of the node in the tree.\n * @example\n * const st = new OrderedSet([1, 2, 3], true);\n * console.log(st.begin().next().index); // 1\n */\n get index() {\n let _node = this._node as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n const root = this._header._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n if (_node === this._header) {\n if (root) {\n return root._subTreeSize - 1;\n }\n return 0;\n }\n let index = 0;\n if (_node._left) {\n index += (_node._left as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>)._subTreeSize;\n }\n while (_node !== root) {\n const _parent = _node._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n if (_node === _parent._right) {\n index += 1;\n if (_parent._left) {\n index += (_parent._left as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>)._subTreeSize;\n }\n }\n _node = _parent;\n }\n return index;\n }\n isAccessible() {\n return this._node !== this._header;\n }\n // @ts-ignore\n pre(): this;\n // @ts-ignore\n next(): this;\n}\n\nexport default TreeIterator;\n","import TreeContainer from './Base';\nimport TreeIterator from './Base/TreeIterator';\nimport { TreeNode } from './Base/TreeNode';\nimport { initContainer, IteratorType } from '@/container/ContainerBase';\nimport $checkWithinAccessParams from '@/utils/checkParams.macro';\nimport { throwIteratorAccessError } from '@/utils/throwError';\n\nclass OrderedMapIterator<K, V> extends TreeIterator<K, V> {\n container: OrderedMap<K, V>;\n constructor(\n node: TreeNode<K, V>,\n header: TreeNode<K, V>,\n container: OrderedMap<K, V>,\n iteratorType?: IteratorType\n ) {\n super(node, header, iteratorType);\n this.container = container;\n }\n get pointer() {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const self = this;\n return new Proxy(<[K, V]><unknown>[], {\n get(target, prop: '0' | '1') {\n if (prop === '0') return self._node._key!;\n else if (prop === '1') return self._node._value!;\n target[0] = self._node._key!;\n target[1] = self._node._value!;\n return target[prop];\n },\n set(_, prop: '1', newValue: V) {\n if (prop !== '1') {\n throw new TypeError('prop must be 1');\n }\n self._node._value = newValue;\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n copy() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(\n this._node,\n this._header,\n this.container,\n this.iteratorType\n );\n }\n // @ts-ignore\n equals(iter: OrderedMapIterator<K, V>): boolean;\n}\n\nexport type { OrderedMapIterator };\n\nclass OrderedMap<K, V> extends TreeContainer<K, V> {\n /**\n * @param container - The initialization container.\n * @param cmp - The compare function.\n * @param enableIndex - Whether to enable iterator indexing function.\n * @example\n * new OrderedMap();\n * new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]]);\n * new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]], (x, y) => x - y);\n * new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]], (x, y) => x - y, true);\n */\n constructor(\n container: initContainer<[K, V]> = [],\n cmp?: (x: K, y: K) => number,\n enableIndex?: boolean\n ) {\n super(cmp, enableIndex);\n const self = this;\n container.forEach(function (el) {\n self.setElement(el[0], el[1]);\n });\n }\n begin() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(this._header._left || this._header, this._header, this);\n }\n end() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(this._header, this._header, this);\n }\n rBegin() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(\n this._header._right || this._header,\n this._header,\n this,\n IteratorType.REVERSE\n );\n }\n rEnd() {\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(this._header, this._header, this, IteratorType.REVERSE);\n }\n front() {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n const minNode = this._header._left!;\n return <[K, V]>[minNode._key, minNode._value];\n }\n back() {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n const maxNode = this._header._right!;\n return <[K, V]>[maxNode._key, maxNode._value];\n }\n lowerBound(key: K) {\n const resNode = this._lowerBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n upperBound(key: K) {\n const resNode = this._upperBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n reverseLowerBound(key: K) {\n const resNode = this._reverseLowerBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n reverseUpperBound(key: K) {\n const resNode = this._reverseUpperBound(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(resNode, this._header, this);\n }\n forEach(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: OrderedMap<K, V>) => void) {\n this._inOrderTraversal(function (node, index, map) {\n callback(<[K, V]>[node._key, node._value], index, map);\n });\n }\n /**\n * @description Insert a key-value pair or set value by the given key.\n * @param key - The key want to insert.\n * @param value - The value want to set.\n * @param hint - You can give an iterator hint to improve insertion efficiency.\n * @return The size of container after setting.\n * @example\n * const mp = new OrderedMap([[2, 0], [4, 0], [5, 0]]);\n * const iter = mp.begin();\n * mp.setElement(1, 0);\n * mp.setElement(3, 0, iter); // give a hint will be faster.\n */\n setElement(key: K, value: V, hint?: OrderedMapIterator<K, V>) {\n return this._set(key, value, hint);\n }\n getElementByPos(pos: number) {\n $checkWithinAccessParams!(pos, 0, this._length - 1);\n const node = this._inOrderTraversal(pos);\n return <[K, V]>[node._key, node._value];\n }\n find(key: K) {\n const curNode = this._getTreeNodeByKey(this._root, key);\n return new OrderedMapIterator<K, V>(curNode, this._header, this);\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the value of the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The specified key you want to get.\n * @example\n * const val = container.getElementByKey(1);\n */\n getElementByKey(key: K) {\n const curNode = this._getTreeNodeByKey(this._root, key);\n return curNode._value;\n }\n union(other: OrderedMap<K, V>) {\n const self = this;\n other.forEach(function (el) {\n self.setElement(el[0], el[1]);\n });\n return this._length;\n }\n * [Symbol.iterator]() {\n const length = this._length;\n const nodeList = this._inOrderTraversal();\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n const node = nodeList[i];\n yield <[K, V]>[node._key, node._value];\n }\n }\n // @ts-ignore\n eraseElementByIterator(iter: OrderedMapIterator<K, V>): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;\n}\n\nexport default OrderedMap;\n"]}