"use strict"; /* * Copyright 2021 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.EndpointMap = exports.endpointHasAddress = exports.endpointToString = exports.endpointEqual = exports.stringToSubchannelAddress = exports.subchannelAddressToString = exports.subchannelAddressEqual = exports.isTcpSubchannelAddress = void 0; const net_1 = require("net"); function isTcpSubchannelAddress(address) { return 'port' in address; } exports.isTcpSubchannelAddress = isTcpSubchannelAddress; function subchannelAddressEqual(address1, address2) { if (!address1 && !address2) { return true; } if (!address1 || !address2) { return false; } if (isTcpSubchannelAddress(address1)) { return (isTcpSubchannelAddress(address2) && address1.host === address2.host && address1.port === address2.port); } else { return !isTcpSubchannelAddress(address2) && address1.path === address2.path; } } exports.subchannelAddressEqual = subchannelAddressEqual; function subchannelAddressToString(address) { if (isTcpSubchannelAddress(address)) { if ((0, net_1.isIPv6)(address.host)) { return '[' + address.host + ']:' + address.port; } else { return address.host + ':' + address.port; } } else { return address.path; } } exports.subchannelAddressToString = subchannelAddressToString; const DEFAULT_PORT = 443; function stringToSubchannelAddress(addressString, port) { if ((0, net_1.isIP)(addressString)) { return { host: addressString, port: port !== null && port !== void 0 ? port : DEFAULT_PORT, }; } else { return { path: addressString, }; } } exports.stringToSubchannelAddress = stringToSubchannelAddress; function endpointEqual(endpoint1, endpoint2) { if (endpoint1.addresses.length !== endpoint2.addresses.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < endpoint1.addresses.length; i++) { if (!subchannelAddressEqual(endpoint1.addresses[i], endpoint2.addresses[i])) { return false; } } return true; } exports.endpointEqual = endpointEqual; function endpointToString(endpoint) { return ('[' + endpoint.addresses.map(subchannelAddressToString).join(', ') + ']'); } exports.endpointToString = endpointToString; function endpointHasAddress(endpoint, expectedAddress) { for (const address of endpoint.addresses) { if (subchannelAddressEqual(address, expectedAddress)) { return true; } } return false; } exports.endpointHasAddress = endpointHasAddress; function endpointEqualUnordered(endpoint1, endpoint2) { if (endpoint1.addresses.length !== endpoint2.addresses.length) { return false; } for (const address1 of endpoint1.addresses) { let matchFound = false; for (const address2 of endpoint2.addresses) { if (subchannelAddressEqual(address1, address2)) { matchFound = true; break; } } if (!matchFound) { return false; } } return true; } class EndpointMap { constructor() { this.map = new Set(); } get size() { return this.map.size; } getForSubchannelAddress(address) { for (const entry of this.map) { if (endpointHasAddress(entry.key, address)) { return entry.value; } } return undefined; } /** * Delete any entries in this map with keys that are not in endpoints * @param endpoints */ deleteMissing(endpoints) { const removedValues = []; for (const entry of this.map) { let foundEntry = false; for (const endpoint of endpoints) { if (endpointEqualUnordered(endpoint, entry.key)) { foundEntry = true; } } if (!foundEntry) { removedValues.push(entry.value); this.map.delete(entry); } } return removedValues; } get(endpoint) { for (const entry of this.map) { if (endpointEqualUnordered(endpoint, entry.key)) { return entry.value; } } return undefined; } set(endpoint, mapEntry) { for (const entry of this.map) { if (endpointEqualUnordered(endpoint, entry.key)) { entry.value = mapEntry; return; } } this.map.add({ key: endpoint, value: mapEntry }); } delete(endpoint) { for (const entry of this.map) { if (endpointEqualUnordered(endpoint, entry.key)) { this.map.delete(entry); return; } } } has(endpoint) { for (const entry of this.map) { if (endpointEqualUnordered(endpoint, entry.key)) { return true; } } return false; } clear() { this.map.clear(); } *keys() { for (const entry of this.map) { yield entry.key; } } *values() { for (const entry of this.map) { yield entry.value; } } *entries() { for (const entry of this.map) { yield [entry.key, entry.value]; } } } exports.EndpointMap = EndpointMap; //# sourceMappingURL=subchannel-address.js.map