import { Status } from './constants'; import { Duration } from './duration'; export interface MethodConfigName { service?: string; method?: string; } export interface RetryPolicy { maxAttempts: number; initialBackoff: string; maxBackoff: string; backoffMultiplier: number; retryableStatusCodes: (Status | string)[]; } export interface HedgingPolicy { maxAttempts: number; hedgingDelay?: string; nonFatalStatusCodes?: (Status | string)[]; } export interface MethodConfig { name: MethodConfigName[]; waitForReady?: boolean; timeout?: Duration; maxRequestBytes?: number; maxResponseBytes?: number; retryPolicy?: RetryPolicy; hedgingPolicy?: HedgingPolicy; } export interface RetryThrottling { maxTokens: number; tokenRatio: number; } export interface LoadBalancingConfig { [key: string]: object; } export interface ServiceConfig { loadBalancingPolicy?: string; loadBalancingConfig: LoadBalancingConfig[]; methodConfig: MethodConfig[]; retryThrottling?: RetryThrottling; } export interface ServiceConfigCanaryConfig { clientLanguage?: string[]; percentage?: number; clientHostname?: string[]; serviceConfig: ServiceConfig; } export declare function validateRetryThrottling(obj: any): RetryThrottling; export declare function validateServiceConfig(obj: any): ServiceConfig; /** * Find the "grpc_config" record among the TXT records, parse its value as JSON, validate its contents, * and select a service config with selection fields that all match this client. Most of these steps * can fail with an error; the caller must handle any errors thrown this way. * @param txtRecord The TXT record array that is output from a successful call to dns.resolveTxt * @param percentage A number chosen from the range [0, 100) that is used to select which config to use * @return The service configuration to use, given the percentage value, or null if the service config * data has a valid format but none of the options match the current client. */ export declare function extractAndSelectServiceConfig(txtRecord: string[][], percentage: number): ServiceConfig | null;