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2024-06-06 00:46:09 +00:00
* @description The iterator type including `NORMAL` and `REVERSE`.
declare const enum IteratorType {
declare abstract class ContainerIterator<T> {
* @description The container pointed to by the iterator.
abstract readonly container: Container<T>;
* @description Iterator's type.
* @example
* console.log(container.end().iteratorType === IteratorType.NORMAL); // true
readonly iteratorType: IteratorType;
* @param iter - The other iterator you want to compare.
* @returns Whether this equals to obj.
* @example
* container.find(1).equals(container.end());
equals(iter: ContainerIterator<T>): boolean;
* @description Pointers to element.
* @returns The value of the pointer's element.
* @example
* const val = container.begin().pointer;
abstract get pointer(): T;
* @description Set pointer's value (some containers are unavailable).
* @param newValue - The new value you want to set.
* @example
* (<LinkList<number>>container).begin().pointer = 1;
abstract set pointer(newValue: T);
* @description Move `this` iterator to pre.
* @returns The iterator's self.
* @example
* const iter = container.find(1); // container = [0, 1]
* const pre = iter.pre();
* console.log(pre === iter); // true
* console.log(pre.equals(iter)); // true
* console.log(pre.pointer, iter.pointer); // 0, 0
abstract pre(): this;
* @description Move `this` iterator to next.
* @returns The iterator's self.
* @example
* const iter = container.find(1); // container = [1, 2]
* const next =;
* console.log(next === iter); // true
* console.log(next.equals(iter)); // true
* console.log(next.pointer, iter.pointer); // 2, 2
abstract next(): this;
* @description Get a copy of itself.
* @returns The copy of self.
* @example
* const iter = container.find(1); // container = [1, 2]
* const next = iter.copy().next();
* console.log(next === iter); // false
* console.log(next.equals(iter)); // false
* console.log(next.pointer, iter.pointer); // 2, 1
abstract copy(): ContainerIterator<T>;
abstract isAccessible(): boolean;
declare abstract class Base {
* @returns The size of the container.
* @example
* const container = new Vector([1, 2]);
* console.log(container.length); // 2
get length(): number;
* @returns The size of the container.
* @example
* const container = new Vector([1, 2]);
* console.log(container.size()); // 2
size(): number;
* @returns Whether the container is empty.
* @example
* container.clear();
* console.log(container.empty()); // true
empty(): boolean;
* @description Clear the container.
* @example
* container.clear();
* console.log(container.empty()); // true
abstract clear(): void;
declare abstract class Container<T> extends Base {
* @returns Iterator pointing to the beginning element.
* @example
* const begin = container.begin();
* const end = container.end();
* for (const it = begin; !it.equals(end); {
* doSomething(it.pointer);
* }
abstract begin(): ContainerIterator<T>;
* @returns Iterator pointing to the super end like c++.
* @example
* const begin = container.begin();
* const end = container.end();
* for (const it = begin; !it.equals(end); {
* doSomething(it.pointer);
* }
abstract end(): ContainerIterator<T>;
* @returns Iterator pointing to the end element.
* @example
* const rBegin = container.rBegin();
* const rEnd = container.rEnd();
* for (const it = rBegin; !it.equals(rEnd); {
* doSomething(it.pointer);
* }
abstract rBegin(): ContainerIterator<T>;
* @returns Iterator pointing to the super begin like c++.
* @example
* const rBegin = container.rBegin();
* const rEnd = container.rEnd();
* for (const it = rBegin; !it.equals(rEnd); {
* doSomething(it.pointer);
* }
abstract rEnd(): ContainerIterator<T>;
* @returns The first element of the container.
abstract front(): T | undefined;
* @returns The last element of the container.
abstract back(): T | undefined;
* @param element - The element you want to find.
* @returns An iterator pointing to the element if found, or super end if not found.
* @example
* container.find(1).equals(container.end());
abstract find(element: T): ContainerIterator<T>;
* @description Iterate over all elements in the container.
* @param callback - Callback function like Array.forEach.
* @example
* container.forEach((element, index) => console.log(element, index));
abstract forEach(callback: (element: T, index: number, container: Container<T>) => void): void;
* @description Gets the value of the element at the specified position.
* @example
* const val = container.getElementByPos(-1); // throw a RangeError
abstract getElementByPos(pos: number): T;
* @description Removes the element at the specified position.
* @param pos - The element's position you want to remove.
* @returns The container length after erasing.
* @example
* container.eraseElementByPos(-1); // throw a RangeError
abstract eraseElementByPos(pos: number): number;
* @description Removes element by iterator and move `iter` to next.
* @param iter - The iterator you want to erase.
* @returns The next iterator.
* @example
* container.eraseElementByIterator(container.begin());
* container.eraseElementByIterator(container.end()); // throw a RangeError
abstract eraseElementByIterator(iter: ContainerIterator<T>): ContainerIterator<T>;
* @description Using for `for...of` syntax like Array.
* @example
* for (const element of container) {
* console.log(element);
* }
abstract [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<T, void>;
* @description The initial data type passed in when initializing the container.
type initContainer<T> = {
size?: number | (() => number);
length?: number;
forEach: (callback: (el: T) => void) => void;
declare abstract class TreeIterator<K, V> extends ContainerIterator<K | [
]> {
abstract readonly container: TreeContainer<K, V>;
* @description Get the sequential index of the iterator in the tree container.<br/>
* <strong>Note:</strong>
* This function only takes effect when the specified tree container `enableIndex = true`.
* @returns The index subscript of the node in the tree.
* @example
* const st = new OrderedSet([1, 2, 3], true);
* console.log(st.begin().next().index); // 1
get index(): number;
isAccessible(): boolean;
// @ts-ignore
pre(): this;
// @ts-ignore
next(): this;
declare const enum TreeNodeColor {
RED = 1,
declare class TreeNode<K, V> {
_color: TreeNodeColor;
_key: K | undefined;
_value: V | undefined;
_left: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined;
_right: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined;
_parent: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined;
constructor(key?: K, value?: V, color?: TreeNodeColor);
* @description Get the pre node.
* @returns TreeNode about the pre node.
_pre(): TreeNode<K, V>;
* @description Get the next node.
* @returns TreeNode about the next node.
_next(): TreeNode<K, V>;
* @description Rotate left.
* @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.
_rotateLeft(): TreeNode<K, V>;
* @description Rotate right.
* @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation.
_rotateRight(): TreeNode<K, V>;
declare abstract class TreeContainer<K, V> extends Container<K | [
]> {
enableIndex: boolean;
protected _inOrderTraversal(): TreeNode<K, V>[];
protected _inOrderTraversal(pos: number): TreeNode<K, V>;
protected _inOrderTraversal(callback: (node: TreeNode<K, V>, index: number, map: this) => void): TreeNode<K, V>;
clear(): void;
* @description Update node's key by iterator.
* @param iter - The iterator you want to change.
* @param key - The key you want to update.
* @returns Whether the modification is successful.
* @example
* const st = new orderedSet([1, 2, 5]);
* const iter = st.find(2);
* st.updateKeyByIterator(iter, 3); // then st will become [1, 3, 5]
updateKeyByIterator(iter: TreeIterator<K, V>, key: K): boolean;
eraseElementByPos(pos: number): number;
* @description Remove the element of the specified key.
* @param key - The key you want to remove.
* @returns Whether erase successfully.
eraseElementByKey(key: K): boolean;
eraseElementByIterator(iter: TreeIterator<K, V>): TreeIterator<K, V>;
* @description Get the height of the tree.
* @returns Number about the height of the RB-tree.
getHeight(): number;
* @param key - The given key you want to compare.
* @returns An iterator to the first element less than the given key.
abstract reverseUpperBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;
* @description Union the other tree to self.
* @param other - The other tree container you want to merge.
* @returns The size of the tree after union.
abstract union(other: TreeContainer<K, V>): number;
* @param key - The given key you want to compare.
* @returns An iterator to the first element not greater than the given key.
abstract reverseLowerBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;
* @param key - The given key you want to compare.
* @returns An iterator to the first element not less than the given key.
abstract lowerBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;
* @param key - The given key you want to compare.
* @returns An iterator to the first element greater than the given key.
abstract upperBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;
declare class OrderedMapIterator<K, V> extends TreeIterator<K, V> {
container: OrderedMap<K, V>;
constructor(node: TreeNode<K, V>, header: TreeNode<K, V>, container: OrderedMap<K, V>, iteratorType?: IteratorType);
get pointer(): [
copy(): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
// @ts-ignore
equals(iter: OrderedMapIterator<K, V>): boolean;
declare class OrderedMap<K, V> extends TreeContainer<K, V> {
* @param container - The initialization container.
* @param cmp - The compare function.
* @param enableIndex - Whether to enable iterator indexing function.
* @example
* new OrderedMap();
* new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]]);
* new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]], (x, y) => x - y);
* new OrderedMap([[0, 1], [2, 1]], (x, y) => x - y, true);
constructor(container?: initContainer<[
]>, cmp?: (x: K, y: K) => number, enableIndex?: boolean);
begin(): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
end(): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
rBegin(): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
rEnd(): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
front(): [
] | undefined;
back(): [
] | undefined;
lowerBound(key: K): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
upperBound(key: K): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
reverseLowerBound(key: K): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
reverseUpperBound(key: K): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
forEach(callback: (element: [
], index: number, map: OrderedMap<K, V>) => void): void;
* @description Insert a key-value pair or set value by the given key.
* @param key - The key want to insert.
* @param value - The value want to set.
* @param hint - You can give an iterator hint to improve insertion efficiency.
* @return The size of container after setting.
* @example
* const mp = new OrderedMap([[2, 0], [4, 0], [5, 0]]);
* const iter = mp.begin();
* mp.setElement(1, 0);
* mp.setElement(3, 0, iter); // give a hint will be faster.
setElement(key: K, value: V, hint?: OrderedMapIterator<K, V>): number;
getElementByPos(pos: number): [
find(key: K): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
* @description Get the value of the element of the specified key.
* @param key - The specified key you want to get.
* @example
* const val = container.getElementByKey(1);
getElementByKey(key: K): V | undefined;
union(other: OrderedMap<K, V>): number;
[Symbol.iterator](): Generator<[
], void, unknown>;
// @ts-ignore
eraseElementByIterator(iter: OrderedMapIterator<K, V>): OrderedMapIterator<K, V>;
export { OrderedMap };
export type { OrderedMapIterator, IteratorType, Container, ContainerIterator, TreeContainer };